JSpace conference will be a forum for pro-Israel progressives

JSpace is hosting its third biennial conference in Toronto on Oct. 28 and 29.
Calling out BDS anti-Semitism
The boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) crowd that targets Israel often declares that, in contrast to the charges made by critics, they are not anti-Semitic or viscerally anti-Israel. But the evidence does not support claims of innocence – these campaigns are clearly a form of discrimination based on double standards and singling out Israel, as the Jewish state, for attack.
Week of Aug. 20, 2015
Legal rights needed for all
JSpaceCanada, a Canadian progressive Zionist organization, is appalled by the recent events in Israel where participants in a Gay Pride parade were stabbed and one was murdered, and a Palestinian family home was fire bombed and two family members died, allegedly by right-wing, religious Israelis (Aug. 13).
Is it time to have a debate about the JNF?
Beyond the recent brouhaha over the cancellation of former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee as the keynote speaker for JNF-Ottawa’s Negev Dinner, there’s more we need to talk about when it comes to the JNF in Israel.
Has the JNF’s purpose come and gone?
JDL stages counter-protest outside Israeli Consulate
TORONTO — Aside from insults volleyed back and forth across Bloor Street, a counter-protest staged by the Jewish Defence League of Canada (JDL) in response to a rally in support of Palestinian political prisoners remained relatively tame.
McMaster undergrads endorse BDS motion
Although a motion in favour of the boycott, sanctions and divestment (BDS) campaign against Israel was passed yesterday at the McMaster Student Union’s general assembly, the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs (CIJA) is raising questions about its legitimacy.
The BDS motion received 622 votes in support, 28 against, and 77 students abstained.
Last year, students voted in favour of a BDS motion, but the assembly did not have quorum, making it a non-binding resolution.
FEATURE: Has the BDS movement been effective?
On the face of it, both sides of the movement to boycott, sanction and divest from Israel have to admit the decade-old movement has chalked up few concrete wins in Canada.
On university campuses, where the BDS campaign, as it has come to be known, is most active, a number of university student groups have passed motions sanctioning Israel, which have been quickly dismissed as merely symbolic by university administrations.