Synagogues are ditching the paper plates and installing solar panels as they make environmentally conscious choices

Canadian synagogues are instituting ethical menu choices, and retrofitting their old buildings to save the planet.
There’s a new Jewish environmental group saying ‘Dayenu’ to the climate crisis

A new chapter of a Jewish environmental group held its first official action April 14, when it protested outside the Forest Hill branch of the Royal Bank of Canada in Toronto. The group, called Dayenu, originally started in the United States in the summer of 2020. The Toronto chapter called on the bank to divest […]
Jewish environmental programming is becoming more popular in British Columbia

Just before Rosh Hashanah, seven Jewish young adults met on a farm in British Columbia’s Fraser Valley for the inaugural three-day Moishe’s Retreat to explore Jewish farming practices, learn about food systems and sustainability, and to share meals. The retreat is an example of Jewish outdoor, food and environmental education (JOFEE) programming that some in […]
Avery Seligman writes from the frontlines of the Fairy Creek blockade

Fairy Creek Valley on southeast Vancouver Island has become the site of the largest protest against old-growth logging in the country since the 1990s. Since the protests began a year ago, over 1,000 people have been arrested by the RCMP. Avery Florence Seligman has joined those protesting the plans of logging company Teal Jones and […]