Christian groups object to U.S. peace plan

In letters to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Kairos Canada, an umbrella organization that represents 10 churches and religious groups, say the Trump peace plan favours Israel and ignores Palestinians. Kairos and its member churches urged Trudeau to “publicly and unequivocally” reject the Trump plan.
Taube: Netanyahu has been indicted, but that doesn’t mean he’ll lose the election

Michael Taube explores whether Netanyahu’s recent indictment will have any effect on the electorate.
Netanyahu’s corruption trial to open two weeks after elections

The corruption trial of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will open Mar. 17 in Jerusalem, two weeks after Israel holds its national elections.
Marmur: Recognizing populism

“Though Canada is relatively free of populism, things may be changing here, too, and not for the better.”
Steinberg: As a sovereign nation, only Israel can determine its future

What seemed like a friendly gesture from the Trump administration now appears to be another in a series of outside efforts to determine Israel’s future. But as a sovereign nation, Israel – not the United States, United Nations, or any other outside power – must decide, Gerald M. Steinberg writes.
Trump peace plan won’t succeed: Israeli academic

President Donald Trump’s Middle East peace plan is a non-starter, mainly because it was drawn up without the Palestinians’ input, says Guy Ben-Porat, chairperson of the department of politics and government at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev.
Weinfeld: Imagining peace in the Middle East

Donald Trump and Bibi Netanyahu are corrupt, bigoted politicians, and they will not solve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Neither, it seems, will Mahmoud Abbas, too old and unpopular. In these moments when peace feels so distant, I let my mind wander towards a broader perspective, an imagined future beyond Israel and Palestine. I think of the […]
Israeli soldiers injured in three attacks in 12 hours

An Israeli Border Police officer was shot and wounded in an attack this morning on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem hours after 12 Israeli soldiers were injured in an early morning car-ramming attack in the centre of the city.
Six Jewish moments during Trump’s State of the Union speech

In U.S. President Donald Trump’s State of the Union address last night, there were a few moments of Jewish significance, from the Middle East peace plan he unveiled last week, to an unusual disruption.
From Yoni’s Desk: Deal of the century? Not quite

In this week’s column, CJN editor Yoni Goldstein looks at the recently proposed Israeli peace plan.