
Interviews with fascinating Jews of colour from all over the world: activists, artists, rule-breakers and change-makers. Hosted by Rivka “Rivkush” Campbell, founder of Jews of Colour Canada. We gratefully thank our lead sponsor, the Canadian Race Relations Foundation.


  • rivka headshot

    Rivka Campbell

    A Jew of Jamaican descent born and raised in Toronto, Rivka seeks to build community among Jews of colour in Canada while opening dialogue with the mainstream Jewish community about the experiences of Jews of colour. She is the co-founder of the group Jews of Colour Canada and the sole Canadian recipient of the inaugural JewV’Nation Fellowship from the Union for Reform Judaism. Having lectured at Limmud, synagogues, JCCs, community groups and Hebrew schools, she is currently working on a documentary about Jewish diversity. She is the executive director at Beth Tikvah Synagogue. Learn more about her work at rivka.ca. (Photo by Shlomi Amiga)