News – Diaspora
Iran is holding a Holocaust-denying cartoon contest, again – it’s been running under different monikers since 2006, reportedly. Only this year the stakes are higher, with the event being officially sponsored by the Tehran municipality, and the first-prize winner to get a whopping US$50,000 cash prize. Organizers of the event have (again) claimed the competition serves to highlight the “double standard” of the West defending caricatures of the prophet Mohammed. Because drawing a “God” and mocking the fact that some 12 million people were exterminated by fascists are exactly the same thing, right?

Knesset speaker Yudi Edelstein called on UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon to denounce the competition, writing, “Words cannot describe the revulsion and protestation of the State of Israel and many across the world at the recurring proof that Iran continues in its policy of Holocaust denial.” Good luck with getting a response.
CNN has listed the Palestinian Museum, which is set to open in the West Bank in May, as one of its “9 best attractions opening in 2016.” The museum will open on Nakba Day, when Palestinians mark the “catastrophe” of the State of Israel’s birth in 1948. I am absolutely certain that the museum will be a hub for coexistence and peace, and not a breeding ground for hate and open discrimination of Jews and Israelis.
A protest organized by the Jewish Defence League of Canada took place at a ‘Palestinian resistance’ event on Tuseday, The CJN learned. Protesters yelled, “How many Jews do you want to kill?”, “Terrorism” and “Anti-Semitism.” Given how many Israeli professors have been disrupted by Palestinian protestors on campus, I couldn’t help but feel that justice somehow had been served. On the other hand, two wrongs don’t make a right. We should not lower our standards to that of those who oppose us, but remain relentless in our fight for human rights and democracy through open discussion.
Al Jazeera America is closing its doors by April, after failing to successfully enter the U.S. market. (Jerry Seinfeld voice) That’s a shame.

Notorious drug kingpin Joaquín “El Chapo” Guzmán is apparently a fan of Jewish fashion. In a recently released photo of him and actor Sean Penn, Guzmán is wearing a shirt designed by Barabas, a company fronted by Iranian-Jewish brothers based out of L.A. “We’re excited because he could buy anything, he could buy Versace, any other brand, but to choose our brand, our designs!” owner Shawn Esteghbal told the Guardian. Despite the horrific atrocities Guzmán has committed, expect Barabas to become a major brand. Coming soon to a Holt Renfrew near you.
Boycott Israel supporters have been (illegally) defacing Sabra Hummus products in New York with anti-Israel stickers, notes pro-Israel blog Israellycool. The perpetrator is reportedly a man named Mohammad Hamad. You can harbour whatever ill-advised politics about Israel that you want, Mohammad, but defacing private property is never the answer.
I just raided another CVS pharmacy. If I’m banned from every grocery store in New York City, there’s always FreshDirect. ☺️
Posted by Mohammad Hamad on Tuesday, January 12, 2016
Following a call from the leader of Marseille’s Jewish community not to wear yarmulkes in public, French officials and delegates have staunchly opposed his remarks, including French President Francois Hollande. “It is intolerable that in our country citizens should feel so upset and under assault because of their religious choice that they would conclude that they have to hide,” he said.
Furthermore, Rabbi Levi Matusof, the Chabad emissary in Paris, claimed that rabbis across France would begin distributing kippot on the streets of France. On Twitter, the French have been showing their solidarity with Jews, through the hashtag #TousAvecUneKippa, which means “all of us with a kippah.”
“You’re talking to me?” #TousAvecUneKippa
— Sophie (@mllesosso) January 12, 2016
The CJN looked into Canadian Jewish political habits this week to see if the Tories can hold on to the Jewish vote, following Justin Trudeau’s election win in 2015. It appears that it’s anyones game right now, though I don’t imagine Kevin O’Leary joining the Conservative party would bode well for them. He’d pretty much be the Canadian version of the Donald.
News – Israel
Former Israeli president Shimon Peres suffered a ‘mild’ heart attack today, but is in excellent condition following a heart procedure, according to his personal physician. Peres is 92, and has spent more than half of his life in politics. He’s also a bit of a celebrity in Israel.
Immigration to Israel from Western Europe was at a record high in 2015, according to the Jewish Agency’s assessment of aliyah. 9,880 Western European Jews immigrated to Israel last year, which is reportedly the highest annual number ever. Some 8,000 of them were from France.
Tel Aviv University has let its left-wing colours show, after allowing a presentation from NGO Breaking the Silence – which has been the subject of much controversy recently – but refusing permission for Likud and Im Tirtzu to hold counter-events. Hodaya Shahar, the head of the university’s branch of Likud, criticized the university’s decision. “Under the auspices of free speech, the dean of students permits students with Meretz and the radical left group Breaking the Silence to hold events, so why does she not also permit events by the Likud and other right-wing groups? Is there free speech and free assembly only for one side of the political map at Tel Aviv University?” Maybe.
So Canadian Jewish heartthrob Drake will be able to add ‘NBA coach’ to his long list of professional qualifications after the NBA All-Star celebrity match in Toronto. The rapper/actor will be joined by two-time NBA MVP Steve Nash and Toronto Blue Jays right fielder José Bautista as part of Canada’s coaching team. They will square off against the U.S. team, which will be coached by Kevin Hart.
So there’s a Japanese tampon named for Anne Frank? Wtf?
If you’re sick of not having enough storage space on your smartphone for photos and videos, there’s a new Israeli app called Camra with a possible solution. The app allows you to quickly and seamlessly upload files directly to the cloud, without using any storage. You’re welcome.
Matisyahu recently opened up to Brooklyn rabbi Dan Ain about his music, and also his personal and religious journey. Referring to the time he lived with a New York rabbi, he joked, “He poured me a glass of vodka … and the next thing I knew I was married with three kids in Crown Heights.”
Jimmy Fallon did Bob Dylan doing a Drake impression on the Late Show last night with a performance of the now infamous Hotline Bling, complete with acoustic guitar, harmonica and all! It’s actually pretty awesome.
Jason Alexander, of George Costanza fame, appeared on the Nerdist podcast the other day to discuss potential Seinfeld spinoffs that never got made. Well, maybe if he pitched them ten years ago! “The No. 1 that I thought, through the roof, would’ve been the four parents down at the condo in Florida. That would’ve been unbelievable … I don’t think they ever looked at it,” he said. The other great spinoff would be about Jackie Chiles, kind of like a “legal comedy,” he added. That one, actually, totally could have been made. We do have Better Call Saul, after all.
An all-girl band in Israel is the talk of the town after its debut single became the first Arabic-language song to top the charts in the Holy Land. Habib Galbi by the band A-WA – made up of three sisters – merges classic Yemenite and Middle Eastern sounds with hip hop. It’s been viewed over two million times as of publication.
Today’s most random story would be that Frank Sinatra’s body was reportedly hidden at a Jewish funeral home to stave off paparazzi, according to the New York Post‘s Page Six.
Is Israeli supermodel Bar Refaeli a victim to identity theft? Refaeli, who’s currently under investigation by the taxman, claims she is.
The 2016 Oscar nominations are out, and there’s a good chunk of Jewish content. Son of Saul, of course, is nominated for best foreign movie; Bridge of Spies, produced and directed by Steven Spielberg, is nominated for best film; The Revenant (produced by Israeli Arnon Milchan) is also nominated; The Hateful Eight‘s Jennifer Jason Leigh is nominated for best supporting actress.
Amy, about British Jewish singer Amy Winehouse, picked up a nom for best documentary, while Claude Lanzmann: Spectres of the Shoah got a nom for best documentary short.
David Schwimmer and the Friends gang are reuniting, but not in the way you think. I don’t even know why this is news.
Remember this?
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