Search on for bone marrow match for baby girl

MONTREAL — People in Montreal, Toronto and elsewhere are being asked to have their cheeks painlessly swabbed in a concerted effort to find a bone marrow match and donor as soon as possible for a 15-month-old baby girl diagnosed just a few weeks ago with a deadly bone marrow failure disorder.

Ayelet Yakira Galena

“It is extraordinarily rare disorder,” said prominent Montreal Rabbi Reuben Poupko, whose daughter, Hindy Poupko Galena, and son-in-law, Seth Galena, received the devastating news about their daughter, Ayelet Yakira Galena.

In Toronto, a “Get Swabbed for Ayelet” bone marrow drive is set for March 13, from 2 to 10 p.m. at Beth Avraham Yoseph of Toronto Congregation at 613 Clark Ave. in Thornhill.

Montrealers can join the Héma-Québec Stem Cell Registry by visiting, and clicking on, “The registry of Life…in 3 easy steps” under the “Stem Cells” heading, and joining the registry. A cheek swab test kit will then be sent to them.

Individuals can also make donations on Ayelet’s behalf to Gift of Life, at

Ayelet’s family lives on Manhattan’s Upper West Side. Yeshiva University, Hindy’s alma mater, has already held a bone marrow drive on the baby’s behalf, and others are in the planning stages.

Interviewed in late February about her daughter’s situation on WCBS radio in New York, Hindy, a professional with the city’s Jewish Community Relations Council, said, “every day is a risk because [Ayelet’s] immune system is basically running at 50 per cent.”

The baby was born prematurely, weighing two pounds, nine ounces, with an already-compromised immune system. But her rare and potentially fatal disorder was diagnosed only last month.