CYJ Leadership Convention

Canadian Young Judaea (CYJ) and her sister movement in Israel, Hanoar Hatzioni, recently jointly hosted an international leadership convention dubbed Seminar Bogrim Manhigim, or “leaders’ seminar”. Held in Toronto, the SBM brought together 52 youth leaders from five countries in order to discuss and address some of the more relevant issues faced by diaspora Jewish youth today. Seminars ranged in topic from “anti-Semitism in the 21st century” and “the importance of youth work in the community" to "what is the relevance of our movement today?” Hailing from Hungary, England, Belgium, Israel and Canada, delegates had the opportunity to explore the challenges faced by different Jewish communities, as well as to gather inspiration from the dedication and commitment of their peers. Canadian Young Judaea is the largest Zionist youth movement in Canada and has been connecting Canadian Jewish youth since 1917.Seen here is the entire group of delegates who attended the convention (from Hugary, Belgium, Israel, Canada and England). The group is standing in front of the Young Judaea head office on Marlee Ave, where most of the seminars took place.