I’m That Jew video goes viral


On Thursday, Times of Israel blogger Eitan Chitayat posted a video that likely dominated your Facebook feed, titled #IMTHATJEW. Viewed 1.5 million times at time of publication on Facebook, and with over 113,000 views on YouTube, the video looks at a long list of Jewish politicians, actors, artists, musicians, officials, celebrities, doctors, novelists, scientists, from Jeremy Piven to Sergey Brin, from Steven Spielberg to Michael Bloomberg.

Running six minutes long, the video pays homage to a long list of Jews of various colours, political leanings, professions, and aspirations, showing the disparity that exists among us, but also, how we are in the end all connected as one.

“Lest any Jew forgets – because of all the violence directed at us, the hatred, the incitement to kill, the vile words, the missiles, the rockets, the knives, the rocks, the deafening silence of the world that we all feel right now – we should be proud of our heritage, accomplishments and spirit. Just like anyone else on this planet. And we shouldn’t be shy about it,”  Chitayat writes in the YouTube caption.

“Rise up, speak up and keep your chins up. We’ll get through this because we love life and we’re strong and smart and funny and beautiful and talented and resilient and educated and hard-working and positive and so much more. We’re okay. In fact, we’re more than okay. We rock. Here’s a little reminder.”
