Jimmy Kimmel took his show, Jimmy Kimmel Live!, back to Brooklyn this week, which included an interview with Jewish presidential candidate Bernie Sanders, a Back to the Future sketch featuring both Michael J. Fox and Christopher Lloyd reprising their iconic characters, and a fun game Kimmel played with his audience called, Hipster or Chasidic?
“Between the hipster community and the Hasidic community here in Brooklyn, Brooklyn is by far the most bearded spot in New York,” Kimmel says as he introduces the game. “There’s more facial hair here than almost anywhere.”
For the most part, the audience answer ‘hipster’ when the men behind the beard are actually chasidic Jews. Some of the participants include a chasidic Jew smoking a cigarette – “He smokes salmon AND cigarettes!” – and a man who qualifies as both, who Kimmel appropriately refers to as a “Hipsidic.”
There’s also, to add to the smorgasbord of hip, hairy men, a bearded Hispanic man.